Entertainment Law Section
Protecting the "Virtual Rights" of Actors
A Panel Discussion on the Law in Transition in the Age of the Synthespian Performer
With CGI technology making it feasible to "cast" deceased
such as Laurence Olivier, Humphrey Bogart, James Dean and Marilyn Monroe in
new motion pictures, the law governing this emerging area is highly unsettled.
Who owns these rights? Who, if anybody, has the right to say no?
What legal protection is there against the reuse of pre-existing film footage
to create synthetic performances by actors who are still alive?
Mark Roesler, Esq.
Molly C. Hansen, Esq.
Schuyler M. Moore, Esq.
Joseph D. Schleimer, Esq., Moderator
February 16, 2005 – 12:00 noon – Lawry’s Restaurant, Beverly
Hills, California
Co-sponsored by
Schleimer & Freundlich LLP